Alpine Farms.
Bryce and Lee-Ann Hunger operate a successful dairy farm in Taranaki. For over 16 years, they've cared for 500 cows on 185 hectares of land. Their journey from sharemilking to farm ownership has seen remarkable growth and innovation. They emphasise that Tabula, formerly TracMap, has become an indispensable part of their daily operations.
Lee-Ann takes the lead in using Tabula in the office. Bryce explains, "Lee-Ann handles all the Tabula online, and she sends it back to the tractor. So staff know exactly where they're spreading, I know where we're spreading and it just helps us keep track of everything for N cap reporting."
“I wouldn't be without it."”
What makes Tabula stand out for the Hungers is its user-friendly interface. Bryce, who readily admits he's "not tech-savvy", found the touchscreen in the tractor cab incredibly easy to use. He chuckles, "I'm not a tech-savvy person, but it's very easy to sort out, so I can be out on the farm and put the new job in myself. I'll touch the screen, add it in and it's a piece of cake."
The time-saving results of Tabula have been tremendous for the Hunger farm. Lee-Ann shares an example: "Last year, we put Tabula on the effluent irrigator. We found that it saves a lot of time not tripping backwards and forwards to the pump, turning it on and off. We know exactly where the irrigator is during its run, and it will alert us if it stops at any stage. Yeah, it's just a huge time saver."

Bryce first encountered Tabula 12 years ago. At the time, he thought it was a crazy idea and couldn't fathom its usefulness. Bryce sums it up, saying, "First time I came across the Tabula was 12 years ago, and yeah, I thought he was crazy. I didn't think we'd ever use it. And now I wouldn't be without it."
With Tabula, Bryce and Lee-Ann Hunger have not only streamlined their farm but have embraced technology as a trusted partner in their daily operations. Their journey from doubt to reliance on Tabula is a testament to the powerful impact this technology can have on the lives of modern farmers.

Alpine Farms
12 years of farming innovation powered by Tabula