Your trusted agriculture technology partner TracMap has rebranded to Tabula. Read on to find out more.

The rebranding should have no effect on your business. Your existing contract does not need to be changed and Tabula will inform all partners, contractors and farmers using TracMap products or services.
There are no changes to existing products due to the name change. We will continue to evolve our solutions over time, just as we have been doing under the name TracMap. We’re adding more capability to better capture activity on the farm, orchard or vineyard; with the aim of bringing certainty to your operations and reporting, enhancing productivity, and building a knowledge bank of valuable data. Keep an eye out for some exciting announcements about new products coming out over the next few months!
The rebranding and change of company name does not effect current subscription prices.
Yes, the name change does not change the warranty or support of our products.
Yes, the name change does not effect our current partnerships. Tabula will continue to build connectivity with other solutions and platforms.
Yes. TMO (TracMap Online) will change its name to Tabula Online, but will be the same system.
No, you can expect the same high quality level of support. We are also growing our team and extending our phone hours.
All current email addresses (at tracmap.com) will continue to work and we will receive emails sent there. You may find we reply from a tabula.live email address.
Yes, in New Zealand you can still call 0800-TRACMAP, or our new numbers:
New Zealand: 0800 4 TABULA (0800 482 285)
Australia: 1800 4 TABULA (1800 482 285)
USA: 844 4 TABULA (844 482 2852)
Yes, your Sales Manager will remain the same.
We’re excited to announce a new chapter in the evolution of our company. TracMap, the technology brand that farmers and their contractors have come to trust and rely on, is rebranding to Tabula. This change represents our commitment to growth, innovation and delivering even more value. Tabula’s mission is to help our customers protect and grow the value of their productive land now, and for future generations to come.
We’re changing our name because we’re looking to the future. While this will be an evolution for us it is not a transformation, the name change to Tabula will better reflect our expanded capabilities and future vision. As Tabula, we will provide an even more comprehensive suite of solutions for landowners, contractors, and aviators; spanning health and safety, job management, compliance, and more. It’s all aimed at bringing certainty to your operations and reporting, enhancing your productivity, and building a knowledge bank of valuable data.
Choosing a great new name is a big process - and we wanted something short, memorable and unique, that was also broad enough to encompass our future. The name Tabula is inspired by the ancient practice of recording information on flat, portable surfaces called tabulae. Ingenious record keepers and skilled cartographers of the past laid the foundation for the modern-day tablet and map. By adopting the name Tabula, we embrace our roots in mapping and our commitment to recording vital data, while looking ahead to a future of continued innovation.
We’re changing our name because we’re looking to the future. While this will be an evolution for us not a transformation, the name change to Tabula will better reflect our expanded capabilities and future vision. As Tabula, we will provide an even more comprehensive suite of solutions for our customers; spanning health and safety, job management, compliance, and more. It’s all aimed at bringing certainty to your operations and reporting, and enhancing efficiency and productivity